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Assistance to access and maintain employment or Higher Education (0102)

Genome Social Care is proud to assist NDIS participants to access and maintain employment or higher education. If you have a goal in your NDIS plan for work or study, Genome is one of the leading NDIS providers offering these services through its highly trained team members.

Looking for a job, maintaining a job or keeping up with your school and study responsibilities requires a little extra effort, which we can easily assist with. Our experienced team will help you to gain employment in a job you are excited to work in or to study in an area you’ve always dreamed of. We also help you to maintain employment and study, and we provide exceptional support services so that nothing gets in the way of your success.

We offer,

Looking for a Job?

The genome alone cannot address this matter. However, our skilled team members will communicate with you, learn about your preferences and interests, and present you with various options so that we can collaborate and identify the optimal job that suits your unique requirements and abilities. We will assist you in discovering the most fitting positions for you across all industries.

Interview Coaching and Resume Building

During this crucial stage in your life, coaching plays a pivotal role in enhancing your self-assurance. Our team of experts will provide you with interview training to ensure that you are well-prepared for the initial step. In addition, we offer various services to assist you in constructing your resume!


At Genome, our proficient team collaborates with our participants to enhance their existing skills and impart new ones, thereby enabling them to augment their skillset. We provide a secure setting that fosters the development of communication and teamwork skills, equipping our participants to function effectively and communicate efficiently in novel environments. We remain committed to supporting you until you secure a permanent job.

Higher Education Opportunities

Genome takes pride in being a distinguished provider of higher education opportunities for NDIS participants who have particular educational objectives outlined in their plans.

If you are encountering challenges with university applications or finding the most suitable educational options, we can offer you valuable support by helping you research universities that align with your needs. Additionally, we can assist you in locating a suitable educational facility that accommodates individuals living with disabilities.

Specialized Supported Employment (0133)

Genome experts evaluate an individual’s abilities to determine an appropriate career path and offer access to hands-on training, job opportunities, and assistance in securing paid employment. Additionally, we provide ongoing support and training for travelling to and performing well in the workplace.

We offer:-

  • Our service is centred around getting to know you and your aspirations.
  • Our goal is to help you find a job and realize your career and life goals.
  • We’ll work on understanding your skills and abilities and the support your need. In Collaboration, we’ll devise a plan to guide you towards the right job.
  • We will assist you in creating a standout resume and cover letter that will impress potential employers.
  • We can also conduct a mock job interview to boost your confidence.
  • Once you’re employed, we’ll continue to support you and your employer. We go above and beyond to understand your new workplace and any obstacles so you have the best chance of success.
  • We are always there for you to get expert guidance to attain the best outcome possible.

For more information, get in touch with our friendly support team

Participation in community, Social and civic activities (0125)

At Genome Care, we organize the social, community, and recreational events for our clients to participate in and enjoy. We are confident that promoting our clients’ involvement in community activities will enhance their physical and mental health, increase their sense of fulfilment, and develop their communication skills and confidence.

For more information, get in touch with our friendly support team